Superman & Lois Wiki
Man of Steel   Credits   Transcript    

[winds howling]

[loud rumbling]


[ears ringing, radio murmurings, horn honking]

The quiet in here should help.

[laughter, siren blares]

[noises stop]


I think Jordan’s hearing kicked in.

Yes, his mechanosensations have become significantly enhanced.

How do we stop the pain?

His auditory perception is causing an allodynic response. Until he can control what he hears, every sound will be accompanied by pain.

I have to help him.

Teach him how to focus, share what you know, but it will take much practice on his part, the same as it did for you, Kal-El.

[dramatic music]


[sirens wailing, insects chirping, birds chirping]

[heart beating]

How long till the super hearing levels out?

My father said he has to adapt on his own.

How long were you out of commission for?

A couple weeks.

So now, let me guess. I have to come up with another BS excuse as to why he’s not going to school?

I’ll call Principal Balcomb first thing in the morning, okay? You two should get to bed.



[somber music]


We’ll work on this tomorrow.

Hey, hey.

He was in so much pain.

I know, I know. Once it settles in, he’ll be fine. Promise.

[ethereal music]


Listen, I know we already went over this, but is there anything in particular I should be looking out for?

If Edge is making people with powers, he’s not doing it out in the open, so kind of just anything out of the ordinary. Buildings, machines, invoices even.

Okay, and is there a way to tell if someone already has powers?

Not really, but we do know that Leslie Larr has powers, so it’s safe to assume that other people do too. Lana, I don’t want you doing anything that makes you feel even remotely unsafe.

No, I wanna help. I’ll call you if I find anything.

Thanks. Bye.

Who’s this?

The real Marcus Bridgewater.

So the guy from the mines…

Lied. Even tried to cover his tracks by scrubbing all images of Marcus Bridgewater from the Internet. Luckily, Maxy still has a friend at Reuters who had a photo.

So why is he lying about his identity?

I don’t know. I mean, it probably has something to do with the fact that he knows so much about Edge.

So two people working for Edge have attacked you, and both have had powers.

Yeah. I’m sure there are others.

[sighs] Yeah, which is why I think we should tell the boys what’s going on.

Well, that’s a pretty big departure from not wanting them to know anything about Superman.

Well, hindsight, maybe that wasn’t the best choice.

This feels different. The whole point of moving to Smallville was to give them a shot at a normal life, not terrify them.

I know, I know, but…

Plus Jordan has the stuff going on with the hearing, and Jonathan hasn’t made any friends. It doesn’t feel fair to give them one more thing to worry about.

I think they can handle this.

I still think that we need to know more about what we’re dealing with, and then we can discuss it.

Okay. Where are you going?

To confront the former Mr. Bridgewater. Will you stay close by today? I have a feeling I’m gonna need your help.


Why have you not ID’d Lane’s friend from the mines?

Believe me, I’ve looked. We have no matches from the security footage. The guy’s a ghost.

[sighs] A very well-armed ghost. Between him, Lane, and Superman, how are we supposed to get the X-Kryptonite out of the mines?

Maybe we use that to our advantage, send out a small shipment, see who comes for it. The intel we get in return could prove invaluable.

A small fragment only. And Leslie, no more failures.

[dramatic music]

Oh, sorry. I was just about to knock.


Don’t mind her. Shall we walk?

So you want me to create what kind of program?

A leadership program. I’m looking for people with passion who, like you, have untapped potential and are ready to take that first step.

First step towards what exactly?

Achieving their best selves. I thought you’d have known that by now.

Okay, and how many candidates were you looking for?

Why don’t we start with five and go from there? I’m expecting great things from you, Lana.

[ethereal music]

You can do this.

It hurts.

I know, but you’re gonna have to work through it, okay? One sound at a time. Come on.


[loud rumbling]

[rumbling dying down]

[piercing hiss]

[chiming splashes]

[rumbling and traffic]

I can’t do it. I’m sorry.

Jordan. Jordan.

We’ll just try it tomorrow or something.

Audio is fully operational. It’s good to be back, sir.

You’re still only at 30%.

Perhaps you’ll consider that next time before crushing me to smithereens.


[dramatic music]


Lois Lane.

Hello, guy who is not Marcus Bridgewater.

How about you come inside, and we talk about it?

Yeah, that’s a hard pass on me entering your creeper mobile.

That’s unfair and pretty hurtful.

Meet me at Victoria May’s in an hour. And get ready to tell the truth. Otherwise, this little team-up of ours is done.

[tense music]


[engine starts]

What are you thinking about this early?


Same thing as last night.

You are playing with fire.

Ugh, childhood ruined. Therapy needed. Thanks a lot, Mom and Dad.

[sighs] Hey, Nat-Bug.

Look, I’m not gonna be tardy just because you two can’t stop being disgusting.

Whoa, it’s not disgusting. No, this is a loving display of…

Affection. Yeah, I know. You know why I know? Because you two are the most affectionate people I’ve ever seen in my life.

[both laughing]


[ominous music]


[crowd screaming]


What’s Superman doing?

And who’s he with?


[crowd screaming]

[crowd screaming]

Oh, my God.


[emotional music]


[clock ticking]

[ethereal music]



[loud clock ticking, rumbling, birds chirping]

[indistinct chatter]

[clock chimes] [ears ringing]

[radio murmurs]

[car beeping]

[indistinct chatter]

[car beeping, baby laughing]

[horn honking]

[heavy breathing]

[bell rings]

Yo, Cushing, hey. Didn’t… I didn’t see you at lunch today. Is everything all right?

Maybe you should tell me. Why isn’t Jordan at school today?

Uh, I mean, he’s not really feeling well.


Hey, what… Hold on, hold on, hold on. What’s going on?

You’re lying to me.

About Jordan being sick?

You know what happened last night with Tag, and you’re acting as though Jordan not coming to school is… kinda weird.

Well, yeah, Sarah, Sarah, hey, hey, look. I know what happened with Tag, okay? And I’m sorry, it’s really messed up, but Jordan had nothing to do with that.

That’s not what Tag said.

What? ‘Cause of some stupid video? Did you even watch it? Seriously, look, I mean, there’s absolutely no way that Jordan gave Tag powers or whatever. And also, truth be told, the reason that Jordan’s not at school is because Tag jumped him the other day. And it totally messed him up, and now he’s having these terrible headaches.

That’s why he had bruises on his face. Why didn’t he just tell me?

I don’t know. I guess he didn’t want you to worry.

See? He’s not such a bad guy.


And also, yeah, I broke my wrist. Thanks for asking. It really sucks.


[somber music]




I gotta say, I don’t love the idea of leaving you alone with him.

Well, get used to it, ’cause he’s here.

And what exactly am I looking for?

You’ll know it when you see it. Here, wish me luck.

Good luck.

[mysterious music]


[bell dings]

I ordered you a trenté green tea with a splash of almond milk. It’s what you got last time.

I think it’s time we moved past favorite drinks and actually got to know each other.


Great. I’ll go first. You’ve been lying to me ever since we first met.

You’re wrong about that. I mean, obviously not the name part, but everything else is true.

Then who are you?

It’s complicated.

Then you better start boiling it down.

Welcome back, Captain. How was your conversation with Lois Lane? Captain Luthor?

[dramatic music]

Telling you who I am will only confuse things. What’s important is you understand what Edge is really planning.

I know he’s making people with powers.

Not people. An army.

An army to do what?

Take over the world. Metropolis will be the first city to fall.

You seem awfully sure of that.

Because it’s the truth.

And why should I believe you?

[cell phone ringing]



Okay, so I have a contact in shipping at Edge’s mines… Well, I mean, not really a contact, more like an ex who really never got over me.

Chrissy. Edge is about to send a shipment out.

Do you think it’s X-Kryptonite?

Only one way to find out. Thanks, boss.

We’ll have to pick this up some other time. Something came up.

Lois, this is serious. I need to speak with Superman.

Maybe when we’re on a first-name basis.

[bell dings]


[whooshing] Well, that was fast.

Chrissy called. Looks like Edge is on the move. Any luck with the RV?

[scoffs] You were right about knowing it when I found it.

It seems we have a problem.

[sighs] Lois will come around.

I was referring to the intruder.

Intruder? In here?

Yes, Captain. I managed to capture an image in front of the monitors.

[sighs] That’s her husband.

Is he a threat?

No. He’s not important.

There’s also been a development at the mines. Satellite imaging is showing increased activity.

That’s what her call was about. Pull it up.


[phone ringing]

Emily. [laughs] Hi. Take a seat. What are you doing here?

Well, um, I was just told that you were the one I’m supposed to talk to about the Young Executive Program.

Yes. Yeah, I’m actually just starting to get into all that now.

Well, listen, I, uh, I know I’ve been out of the workforce for a while, but you know, we couldn’t afford childcare, and now that Avery’s in high school…

Oh, no, no, no. You do not need to defend being a mother to me.

Good, because I really want this, Lana. This is a chance for me to make a better life for my family, just like what you’re doing.

There are tradeoffs. I mean, there are things you might not be aware of.

Oh, you don’t have to pretend like this job isn’t a big deal. It’s obvious. I’m just, um, asking for someone to take a chance on me like they did with you.

I appreciate that. [sighs] Let me see what I can do, but no promises.

Thank you, Lana. Thank you so much.

Of course. Nice to see you.

Good to see you.


Could he actually be Lex Luthor?

I don’t know, but with everything we know about the multiverse now, I’d say anything’s possible.

[sighs] Like what? He’s related to Lex somehow? Maybe a son we don’t know about?

Well, he said he worked for LuthorCorps. That can’t just be a coincidence.

Yeah. And Lex wouldn’t be the first public figure trying to keep his family hidden from the world.

I’ll have Chrissy look into it. Are they still up ahead?

Yeah. About two miles up. It looks like they’ve got an escort. There’s a panel van with four guys with guns inside a couple cars back.

That seems on brand for Edge.

What do you wanna do?

Just keep following. I wanna see where they’re taking the X-Kryptonite.

I don’t think that’s gonna happen.

What is it?

I’m definitely starting to think your new friend is a Luthor.

[dramatic music]

Hey, guys, we got someone in the road up here. Be ready.


Locked and loaded, boys. It’s go time.

[sighs] Things are gonna get ugly if I don’t do something.


Out of the truck! Get out of the truck! Turn around. Get on your knees.


[whooshing] What the hell?

[cell phone ringing]

We have a problem.

Don’t move.


What are you doing?

I assume the same thing you are.

No, we were following the truck hoping to find out where it was headed, which, now, we’ll never know since you decided to go full-on Rambo!

I couldn’t risk letting this get where it was going.

‘Cause that’s what Edge is gonna use to build his army?

So you believe me now?

Enough games. Tell us what you know.

Fine. Follow me.

You sure showed that locker.

Yeah, yeah. Had it coming.

[ethereal music]

Uh, hi.

If the zipper gets stuck, maybe you should try talking to it first. [laughs] Nothing good ever comes from anger.

Right, yeah, yeah, sure, yeah. I mean, I’m… I’m… I’m not gonna, like, talk to my backpack. That’s… that’s weird.

Right. I’ll see you around, new guy.


No, no, no, no, no.

Jonathan, no. Not Tegan Wickhem. She’s way out of your league.

That’s a bit presumptuous, and besides, how do you know what my league is?

I know it’s not her. Look, I came over here to apologize. I didn’t mean to accuse you of lying or Jordan of… I don’t know.

That’s… it’s cool.

No, it’s not. I’m really worried about Tag. He’s my friend, and you and Jordan are the only people who know what really happened, so…

Yeah, I know, it’s a lot keeping a secret like that. I know.


[low rumbling, scraping]

[dog barking, traffic]



[sound stops] [heavy breathing]

[warm music]


[radio buzzing, indistinct chatter]

[crowd cheering]

Not being the only one who knows about this helps. I guess I’m pretty lucky to have you. I guess I’ve been in Smallville long enough to know that you’re different than everyone else.

Really? How so?

Mm. I don’t know, just… Just, like, more real I guess. I can tell you hold a lot of stuff inside, and I get that. I get how hard that can be, so I guess… I guess what I’m saying is if you ever need someone to share that with, I’m always here.

Wow, you’re kind of in a better league than I thought.

[ears ringing]

If Edge is using X-Kryptonite to build an army, why would he send such a small shipment?

Probably wanted to see who’d come for it.

Well, now that he knows, what’s his next move?

It’s hard to say, but we need to be ready.

Ready how?

It’s what I was trying to tell you earlier.

You wanna meet Superman.

It’s the only way to stop this.

Dad, wake up! Dad! Dad, wake up. Dad.

Hmm? Hmm? Hey, where’s your mom?

[somber music]

Coming to you live from Downtown Metropolis, reporting on the scene is Lois Lane.


You want answers? I’m willing to tell Superman everything. I’m not in the habit of just connecting him with people.

I’m thinking the possible end of the world might warrant an exception.

Okay. But I want something from you. That.

The Kryptonians want you to think they’re indestructible. They’re not. They have a weakness. It is a rock from their home planet called Kryptonite. Find it so that we can defeat them.

I told her not to do this.

And we must defeat them if we are to save humanity. For that is what separates us from them: our humanity.


Okay. But I need to know one thing first. Do you trust him?

With my life.

I love you both.


I thought you’d say that. Set up the meet.

[ethereal music]

All right, I’m gonna meet Chrissy, see if I can establish any connection between our guy and Lex.

Yeah, I guess it’s still our only lead.

Maybe not. You said the voice in the RV called him Captain.

Right, so he’s military.

Which is why I want you to take that to the DOD for processing.



Nothing. Just, it has his prints. You know, you’re really good at this.

You better get moving, Superman. We don’t have much time before your meeting.

All right.



Do you believe Kal-El will come?

I do. And we need to be ready.

[dramatic synth music]



[electricity crackling]

[machinery whirring]

It’s smaller than I imagined.

I couldn’t have done it without you, Nat-Bug.

So I can be out there with you when you’re kicking ass. You really think you could take one of them out?

Only one way to know for sure.


What were you talking to Sarah about earlier?

What are you… Are you spying on me? [scoffs] Wow.

Just answer the question.

Uh, I was talking to her like a normal human being.

That’s not what it sounded like.

Are you being serious right now? I’ve been covering your ass all day, and now what? Now you think I’m trying to move in on your not-girlfriend?

That’s not a denial.

Wow, I have had your back every time someone has called you dumb or weird or stupid or awkward.

[ears ringing]

I never believed any of it! I never believed any of it because it’s not true. You’re just a terrible person! Don’t ever spy on me again!

[dramatic music]

[echoing thump]


Impressive bunch you’ve assembled.

Well, there’s no shortage of good people in Smallville.

And yet, one spot remains.

One spot. Just getting through the last of the résumés.

Is that it, or is there something you’re not telling me?

Um, I don’t understand.

I just thought perhaps you were hoping I’d select someone a little closer to home.

You mean Kyle.

I believe he’d be more than interested.

Of course. [laughs] But he’s the chief of the fire department.

Arrangements could be made. Oh, I’m sure, and it would be an amazing opportunity, but it would a lot to juggle with our girls.

I understand, but we are short on time. I look forward to hearing your decision.

Luthor’s biographer says there is no way he has a son.

Maybe a cousin or distant relative?

She walked me through every branch of the Luthor family tree. Our guy is definitely not on it.



Interesting place for a meet.

I’m a builder. Always felt comfortable in places like this… Surrounded by scraps and parts.

Building’s a noble profession.

Been a while since anyone’s paid me to do it.

Any chance one of those people was Lex Luthor?

It was a different life.

Why are we really here?

Because the world’s about to be destroyed unless I save it.

[cell phone ringing]

It’s the DOD. Hey, Rosetti, what’d you find?

You say this guy’s been creeping around Smallville?

And how exactly are you planning on saving the world?

By eliminating the threat.

And you think that threat is Morgan Edge?

Edge is involved, but he won’t be the main source of destruction.

Then who will it be?

I think you know, Kal-El.

The thing is, the prints you had us pull are from a guy who died six years ago, and his name’s not Luthor, it’s John Henry Irons.

Give me your keys. I need your car.

You’re the Stranger.



I had a feeling you might try that. So I set these solar flares to a motion detector.

Why are you doing this?

Like I said, I’m here to save the world. You see, Kal-El, you’re not the Man of Steel. I am.


[dramatic music]



That looked like it hurt.

[ears ringing]

[heavy breathing]

This hammer harnesses kinetic energy. The further it travels, the more energy it creates. From 20 feet, it can stop a car in its tracks. 30, a truck. From 60, it can destroy a tank. Anything beyond that rivals a blow from Superman.


Miss Larr?

Superman’s gonna be busy for a while. Send the shipment.

[ears ringing]


Is that all you have, Kal-El?


Hey. Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, hey.

I think someone’s trying to kill Dad.

What? Where?

Clark, his name is John Henry Irons! I think he’s the Stranger! Clark!

Okay, you’re gonna have to go faster, all right?

Jordan, I’ve only driven Mom’s car before! Please just tell me which way to go.

It’s so loud.

Well, whenever you were listening to me and Sarah at school earlier, whenever you heard us, please do that. Please.

[heavy breathing]

Jordan, please focus. Please.

You’re wrong about me.

That way! That way, that way, that way!

This hero act of yours is all propaganda, a way to soften the masses before you turn on them. I made a promise to kill you once. I wasn’t able to keep that promise on my Earth. But I will here.

[both screaming]



The lights.


[heavy breathing]


It’s over. It’s over.


So this guy came back from the dead to try and kill you?

Wouldn’t be the first time.

Want Trask to take a run at him? Try and loosen him up?

Nobody talks to him until General Lane gets here in the morning. And when he does, I’m going in first.

[doorbell ringing]

I’ll get it.

Thanks, sweets.

Hey, Sophie, hi. My mom’s right in here.

Hey, Emily.

I got the job. Morgan Edge called me himself. I am starting tomorrow.

Emily, I didn’t…

Oh, no, you don’t have to take credit. I totally know it was you. Mr. Edge even said seeing you and I together is what convinced him to choose me. [laughs] Well, listen, Avery and Duc are in the car. I just wanted to come by and say thank you. Thank you so much. You have changed my life, Lana. [laughs]

[door clicks open]


[door clicks shut]

This better be good news.

The X-Kryptonite just arrived at the facility. Everything’s ready to move forward.

So your plan worked.

Even better than I anticipated.

Lucky you.

Were you able to find enough Subjekts?

Yes, but there’s no guarantee they’ll be receptive hosts. You’re still the only one who hasn’t shown any signs of rejection.

I guess you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.


And now we have our eggs.

DOD has John Irons on lockdown. We’ll start the interrogations tomorrow.

I should’ve figured it out sooner.

Lois, come on, you can’t be that hard on yourself.

I’m supposed to be this incredible reporter, but I got fooled tonight, and someone almost murdered my husband.

It’s not that simple. I mean, the guy’s from another world.

I still think there’s more he’s not telling us.

So do I. Which is why John Henry Irons isn’t going anywhere until we find out everything he knows.

If it wasn’t for the boys, you might’ve died tonight.

I got lucky Jordan’s hearing clicked when it did.

With everything this family is facing, we can’t rely on luck. You’re right, Clark. We’re not protecting the boys by keeping secrets from them.

So what do you want to tell them?



Hey, I just… I wanted to apologize for spying on you and Sarah earlier. I… I’m really sorry you have to lie for me like that all the time.

Actually, this time, I kinda told the truth. I mean, not, like, all of it, obviously, but… But somehow it… It almost felt worse this way, ’cause it was, like, um, it’s, like, I don’t know. Like, intentional.

It feels like everything since we got here has just been a big secret. I just… I want it to go back to normal so bad.

To be fair, Jordan, I mean, I’m pretty sure normal people have stuff that they’re hiding too.

Tonight’s probably been the most scared I’ve ever been in my life.

But gotta say, it was also pretty awesome.


Yeah, okay, you did total that truck.

Pretty sick. Bro, I don’t even have a learner’s permit.

Or know how to drive! I know!

Which was incredibly reckless and dangerous and irresponsible and absolutely… necessary. You both saved my life tonight, so I think I owe you a pretty big thank-you.

Listen, we know that you two must have a lot of questions about what’s been going on around here.

Look, we’ve taught you not to keep secrets from us.

So we’re not gonna keep secrets from you anymore.

Isn’t most of that stuff, like, like, classified though?

Yes. Which is why none of what we tell you can ever leave this house. Is that understood?

Definitely. Yeah.

[ethereal music]

All right, who wants to go first?


What was that deal with the guy tonight?

I just doubled the output on the reflex modules, which means…

We found KalEl. It’s time.

Right now? But the tracking inlay’s still glitchy.


And we haven’t finished the hammer yet, and the AI’s still set for Lex Luthor.

It doesn’t matter who the AI thinks is in the suit. It has to be now, Bug.

[somber music]

My ship will be here in two minutes.


Look, this is what we’ve been preparing for. Our one chance to end it.

I just… I don’t want anything to happen to you.

I’m gonna go out there and kill him. And then I’m coming right back. Uh, say it with me.

Both: Forged in fire, strong as steel.

I love you, Dad.

I love you too, Nat-Bug. More than anything in this world. I’m gonna be right back. I promise.

[door clicks shut]

I’m gonna be right back. I promise. I’m gonna be right back. I promise.

[dramatic music]

