- 1x06
- 1x07
- 1x08
- 1x09
- 1x10
- 1x11
- 1x12
- 1x13
- 1x14
- 1x15
- 30 Days and 30 Nights
- A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events
- A Brief Reminiscence In-Between Cataclysmic Events/Transcript
- Anti-Hero
- Bizarros in a Bizarro World
- Broken Trust
- Broken Trust/Transcript
- Captain Luthor
- Fail Safe
- Girl... You'll Be a Woman, Soon
- Haywire
- Haywire/Transcript
- Heritage
- Heritage/Credits
- Heritage/Transcript
- Holding the Wrench
- Holding the Wrench/Transcript
- Into Oblivion
- Jonathan Kent
- Jordan Kent
- Kyle Cushing
- Lana Lang Cushing
- Last Sons of Krypton
- Lies That Bind
- Lois Lane
- Loyal Subjekts
- Loyal Subjekts/Transcript
- Man of Steel
- Man of Steel/Transcript
- Metropolis
- O Mother, Where Art Thou?
- O Mother, Where Art Thou?/Transcript
- Pilot
- Pilot/Credits
- Pilot/Transcript
- Samuel Lane
- Sarah Cushing
- Season 1
- Season 2
- Season 3
- Smallville
- Superman
- Superman & Lois
- Superman & Lois Wiki
- The Best of Smallville
- The Best of Smallville/Transcript
- The Eradicator
- The Inverse Method
- The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower
- The Perks of Not Being a Wallflower/Transcript
- The Thing in the Mines
- The Ties That Bind
- Through the Valley of Death
- Tried and True
- Truth and Consequences
- What Lies Beneath